Come to the forest...just for one day.
Escape the chaos of the world
and let nature into your life.
Step quietly in the footsteps of our ancestors
and glimpse the natural world through their eyes.
Never have we needed NATURE more.
Never has nature needed US more.
Journey into the forest...just for one day.
New for Summer 2022
New for Summer 2022
Wildwood Wellbeing Walks
The extraordinary experiences of the Pandemic have made many of us realise just how precious nature is to us. The enforced quietness of our world during Lock-Downs gave nature a much needed opportunity to thrive, and many people trapped at home and in stressful situations were awakened to the mental and physical well-being that the nature on their doorstep gives. If you are one of those people who has rekindled your friendship with nature then I would love to help you take the next step...
To this end I am now offering specially designed guided Wildwood Wellbeing Walks on the North Downs for small groups of friends, family or work colleagues.
The day's walk is crafted to the unique interests of your group...but each journey offers a precious chance
to spend time in nature, to tune into the world of the woods, to discover how our ancestors have interacted with the flora and fauna of the Wildwoods for thousands of years, and to celebrate our interdependence with the natural world...all in a safe and nurturing environment.
To discuss your Forest Journey please email me at david.antrobus.hunt@gmail.com or call 07768731958 for a chat.
Location : North Downs 60 minutes drive from central London
Price : £190 per day for a group of 3 to 6
£120 for individuals and couples